Travelers Guide to Brewing Coffee

Hello coffee lovers,

Traveling with great coffee is a wonderful life hack. With the right equipment, everything you need will fit in your carry-on. Here are a few suggestions to add to your packing list before your next trip:

  • Pour-over maker: A ceramic pour-over maker is a great way to enjoy a delicious cup of coffee while on the go. It's lightweight, fits atop most coffee mugs, and allows you to brew a perfect cup wherever you are.

    Pour-Over Maker

  • Electric kettle: A portable electric kettle is a must-have for any coffee lover who wants to enjoy awesome coffee on the road. The 34-ounce Bodum packs a wallop at 1,100 Watts and will boil half a liter of water in 3 minutes and 22 seconds. We don’t know if it’s TSA approved, but we’ve packed it in a carry-on dozens of times without any hassle.

    Electric Kettle

  • No. 2 coffee filters: These filters are perfect for use with your ceramic pour-over maker. They are inexpensive, easy to pack, and make cleanup simple.

    No. 2 Coffee Filters

  • Don’t forget your SCT Coffee and safe travels!

As always, we'd love to hear from you. Let us know if you have any other suggestions on how we can improve your SCT Coffee experience.

Happy brewing!

SCT Coffee Team